At long last, getting my hands dirty

There are several immensely creative people I particularly admire, and that admiration/obsession has been picking up steam in recent weeks, ending up somewhere between idol-worship and having an imaginary friend, both wanting to be them and wanting to know them intimately. Some of all this is probably due to my own extended creative dry spell. I feel like the past few years were a time when I could have been producing a lot of my own work, in whatever medium, but was so drowned in my psycho-emotional turmoil that over the span of the past three I never had a breath free for anything else. But, then again, maybe that's just wishful thinking. But then again, again, of all the things I tell myself I'm incapable of accomplishing, I'm trying the hardest to keep from saying that I cannot express myself creatively, because I truly believe that's where real emotional work can be done and my problems can be, if not resolved, at least aired out and repackaged.

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