Saying a little prayer of gratitude today that my knees feel so much better than they did five... even four months ago. If I do another thru-hike, I'll prioritize lightness over saving money or avoiding human contact. I ranked those differently last time around, mailing myself fewer resupply boxes and was in town only about once a week... meaning I packed out 7 days of food every damn time, sometimes as many as 9. It seems obvious now, but my body is worth more to me than avoiding conversations or saving a few bucks. How did I not start out knowing that??? Anyway, well on the way to self-actualization over here.

ETA: I miss my trail dirt. I swear I feel way cleaner in a week's worth of trail grime than I do stewing in a week's worth of town juices. (Obviously don't shower more than once a week—what kind of sucker do you take me for?)

1 comment:

  1. There is a good reason why the saying "Hindsight's 20/20" exists... I just keep thinking:"What is the stuff that I am doing right now that in 1-5 years might seem obviously ridiculous..."

    As for trail dirt, that is easily resolvable... AT2018? CDT2018? WA section of PCT 2018? : )


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