Not really sure what's going on, what convolution of public and private is about to twist itself loose. I want to share with the world insofar as making something is always a meeting of internality and externality. (This is not to say that I want to be physically present with other people.) (Except when I do.) I play with the idea that I myself am enough, that pleasing myself is enough, that the song and dance put on for others is ultimately empty.

And also I think... what you want is what you are. There's no line, no becoming. I'd like to adopt a lighter touch, skip from moment to moment like a stone.

new friend.

RIP summer hat.

RIP summer.

The biggest transition this year might be my adoption of the square format. 

RIP humidity.



Cracker Barrel someplace.


Listened to a lot of mysteries this fall.

I've been living in Massachusetts.

Plenty of cats hanging around.

The way back from the grocery store.


My big thought right now is that love is a universal currency, self-love not in opposition to love for others, but one and the same. If you're fostering self-hatred, you're slighting the universe synecdochically. We cannot pretend to own ourselves, after all. We are a part of a bigger thing. We flourish together or we die together. There's the tricky problem of predator and prey... is everyone flourishing there? But if all must go... we can't be afraid of death, and indeed, death is correct and beautiful in its turn and truly the ground from which life can spring again.

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